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 WolfGirl's Characters

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PostSubject: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 1:23 am

Name: Aria Gelphis
Age: 14
Gender: Girl
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Height: 5'4"
Body Type: Slim
Skin Color: Light
God Parent: Mania
Mortal Parent: Carson Gelphis
Country of Origin: United States
Pets: None
Talents: Talented archer
Weapon**: Bow and arrows, the heads of the arrows are Stygian iron
Flaws: Tends to be jumpy and is terrified of loud noises. She can be closed off from others and turned inwards.
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can make her enemies temporarily insane so that their normal perception of things is violently distorted for about a quarter of an hour. It is possible for them to resist depending on the strength of the mental barriers around their minds. Her victims usually have vivid hallucinations or become powerless to control their own actions and go berserk. Can shadow-travel.
Life Before CHB*: Aria and her father led a relatively normal life. She was constantly seeing things however that she was sure shouldn't exist, but since she was never attacked she thought little of it. Her dad disappeared when she was seven and no one ever found out what happened to him. She had no living relatives and never knew who her mother was; consequently, she was sent to an orphanage. Knowing what would await her there, she used her powers to mess with her guardian's mind long enough for her to escape. After that, the monster attacks began. Without a home, she wandered until she found Camp Half-Blood.
RP Example*: I scowled blackly at the woman facing me. She was large, and looked like a blue blimp. Her chihuahua growled at me and I glared at him too. I folded my arms across my chest. "I though we had a mutual agreement." I spoke flatly. I was only ten, but so far, monsters had left me alone. I should have known my luck would run out soon enough.
Any notes about your characters: She's spunky and isn't easily fazed by impending danger.
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 12, 2012 1:34 am

I approove
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 1:03 am

Name: Erik Sanderson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 5'9"
Body Type: Lean
Skin Color: Pale
God Parent: Acheron
Mortal Parent: Margaret Sanderson
Country of Origin: United States
Pets: Squirrel that thinks he's a cat named Idiot
Talents: Speed
Weapon**: Stygian iron sword
Flaws: Struggles with periodic bouts of depression, whatever pain he feels is magnified, can be very obstinate, is afraid of heights
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can inflict severe pain on his enemies eight times a day and up to five minutes at a time, though he rarely goes that long. It can be anywhere from a mild irritation to feeling like their nerves are on fire. The effort can sometimes knock him out depending on how intense he's trying to make the pain and if he's already used his power before. In battle he can reflect the pain he's feeling onto his opponent, giving him a chance to rally. Shadow-Travel
Life Before CHB*: Erik lived with his mother in a one-roomed apartment for eight years before finding out he was a demigod. That day he had been on his way to school when he was followed by a rogue Cyclops, taunting him about being the son of Pain. Panicked, he'd tried to escape, but the monster attacked him. Just managing to escape with his life, Erik fled. He never returned home, but did make a call to his apartment, trying to contact his mother and attempt explain things. However, there was no answer and he later learned that she had gone missing under unusual circumstances. Frightened and lonely, he spent a few miserable years with his abusive uncle. As attacks came more frequently and his relationship with his uncle became steadily worse, he became diagnosed with depression. At last he couldn't take it anymore. When he was thirteen he finally left, train hopping around the country and stealing his meals. He took his sword from a dead demigod who'd been killed defending him from an Empusa. He took the blame for the demigod's death and started losing the will to live, but managed to hang on. A year later, he made it to camp.
RP Example*: My hands thrust deep into my pockets, I keep my head down, the frigid ran soaking me to the bone. I shivered, but was wearing only a thin t-shirt and ripped jeans. Stupid rain. I slumped against a wall, shivering. I shook my head, sending drops of water scattering in every direction. The sun was sinking to join the horizon and it was time to start looking for a place to spend the night.
Any notes about your characters: Impulsive and just doesn't care sometimes. Sometimes forgets where he is or how he got there.

Last edited by WolfGirl on Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 1:33 am

How far can they shadow travel? How long?
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 1:41 am

They can shadow-travel up to ten miles away. As a general rule, shadow-travel only takes a few seconds.
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 1:42 am

OK. Approved.
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PostSubject: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 9:28 am

Name: Monica Fletcher
Age: 18
Gender: Girl
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black with streaks of white
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Lean
Skin Color: Tan
God Parent: Nyx
Mortal Parent: Andrew Fletcher
Country of Origin: Canada
Pets: Black Persian cat named Night
Talents: Selling
Weapon**: Long Celestial bronze knife
Flaws: Too trusting, hubris, has a mortal fear of wasps
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can create the illusion that it's night three times a day for twenty minutes at a time. Leaves her drained and tired afterwards.
Life Before CHB*: Monica lived with her single father in Canada, but when he was struck by lightning and died when she was twelve, she left Canada. Secretly crossing the border, she made it to the United States. After that. she lived with an older cousin. However, she was kicked out at sixteen four years later. She wandered mostly for the next two years, from city to city, before making it to Camp. Chiron offered her a job and she accepted.
RP Example*: Monica yawned and stood up. She was bored. Not many people came by the store these days. Absently, she stroked Night. The black cat looked up at her and purred adoringly. "Oh, shut up," she told him playfully. "You know you're only here because you keep the pests away."
Any notes about your characters:
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 13, 2012 6:24 pm

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PostSubject: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:37 am

Name: Nickolas 'Nick' Mathews
Age: 16
Gender: Boy
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 6'1"
Body Type: Muscular
Skin Color: Tan
God Parent: Arai
Mortal Parent: Aaron Mathews
Country of Origin: Mexico
Pets: Green snake named Fang
Talents: Fighting
Weapon**: Double-bladed Stygian Iron sword
Flaws: Fatal flaw is his lack of willingness to trust others. He's proud and quick to anger,
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): He can curse his enemies. Can only curse one person every six months and passes out for a long time after cursing the person because it takes a huge amount of power. A few hours at the least and three days at the most. Can shadow-travel ten times per day up to ten miles away, generally takes a few seconds.
Life Before CHB*: Nick lived with his father in Mexico. His father was American, but he'd moved to Mexico because his store failed. His father became a waiter and Nick helped him when he turned thirteen. However, on his way home from school one day he was attacked by a sphinx and, not wanting to endanger his father's life, he made the choice not to return home. He killed the sphinx and crossed the border, obtaining a sword from a Coyote - who smuggled people and demigods across. He learned about Camp Half-Blood and train-hopped his way north.
RP Example*: Nick sighed and sheathed his sword. Standing up carefully, he looked around. No one. Rolling hills were passing his line of vision and he knew he wouldn't get a better chance. With a running jump, he leaped out of the train, rolling as he hit the ground. Swiftly, he got to his feet. The train roared off into the night.

Last edited by WolfGirl on Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:32 am; edited 3 times in total
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:41 am

How long he can shadow travel?How long is the long time?
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:42 am

ten miles away, takes a few seconds
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:44 am

can you please edit it?and,how many times per day he can shadow travel?Edit it also.
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:46 am

edited (:
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 4:49 am

you didn't answer the"How long is the long time"?
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:02 am

yes i did. a few seconds.
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:06 am

no said he passes out for a long long?
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:07 am

ah! (:
three days at the most - several hours at the least.
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:09 am

edit it.
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:10 am

have done
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2012 5:11 am

Aprooved Very Happy

Happy Roleplaying.
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PostSubject: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:15 am

Demigod Form

Name: Sandy 'Squirrel' Harrison
Age: 15
Gender: Girl
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'4"
Body Type: Skinny
Skin Color: White
God Parent: Asclepius
Mortal Parent: Chloe Harrison
Country of Origin: Britain
Pets: None
Talents: Healing
Weapon**: Celestial bronze knife
Flaws: Stubborn, obsessive, easily distracted - has been described as having the attention span of a squirrel, which is how she got her nickname, and is mortally terrified of bodies of water due to past.
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can heal wounds six times a day. Gets tired and fatigued afterwards, which usually leads to an even shorter attention span and/or grumpiness on her part. She cannot heal herself.
Life Before CHB*: Sandy lived a relatively normal life for a demigod. She went to school, she got bad grades. She tried joining groups and was ostracized. Her mom was kind though and one day she finally told her who she was. Sandy immediately decided to go to Camp, but on the way, the ship they were on was attacked by sea monsters. Just managing to escape in a life-raft with her mother, they drifted until they washed up in Florida. Leaving her mother in the care of the doctors at the hospital, she hitchhiked her way north, to camp.
RP Example*: Sandy yawned widely, bored and exhausted. One of the girls on the bus gave her a disgusted look. "Freak," the girl muttered to her friends and they giggled like mad. Sandy glared at them, making them laugh all the harder. Rolling her eyes, she turned away, resting her head on the window as the bus bounced down the highway. It won't be much longer, she promised herself. I'll be off and away soon enough. But as the bus ground to a halt, she wasn't so sure.
Any notes about your characters: Nicknamed 'Squirrel' for having such a short attention span

Last edited by WolfGirl on Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:24 am

Ascepius is not a women.
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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:33 am

i failed! xD
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Weirdo #2
Weirdo #2

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PostSubject: Re: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 1:42 am


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PostSubject: WolfGirl's Characters   WolfGirl's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 16, 2012 4:06 am

Name: Victoria 'Tory' McDuff
Age: 16
Gender: Girl
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Red
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Slim
Skin Color: White
God Parent: Pyriphlegethon
Mortal Parent: Angela McDuff
Country of Origin: Ireland
Pets: Falcon named Salinas
Talents: Singing
Weapon**: Stygian Iron knife
Flaws: Too outspoken, willful, quick to fight, and is scared of squirrels
Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can control and summon fire to her for fifteen minutes at a time three times a day, but the effort is really draining on her so she only uses it in emergencies. Shadow-Traveling ten times a day, takes a few seconds, up to ten miles away.
Life Before CHB*: Victoria's mom was a librarian, living in the north of Ireland with her, her mortal husband, and their two children. The mortal children were sent to private schools while every school year she was shipped away to different boarding schools with no holidays. She would return home for six weeks for summer break, but the time she did get to spend with her family was fraught with tension and conflict. Bad things always happened to her whenever she was around and she started getting into fights with her mom and step-dad more and more frequently. When she was fourteen she was attacked by a manticore while riding the bus back home from school. She managed to escape, but it followed her home. Upon reaching home, her mom told her who she was and gave her a knife to defend herself. She then promptly kicked her out of the house. Confused, frightened, and angry, she killed the manticore with minimum trouble. She turned her back on her family after that, stowing away on the first ship to America. Wandering North America for two years, fending off monster attacks, she finally made it to Camp Half-Blood.
RP Example*: Victoria walked carefully along the fallen tree, toes gripping the rough bark as she tried to keep her balance. Salinas swayed on her shoulder, talons gripping her shoulder tightly. "You have so much confidence in me," she muttered to the bird. He didn't answer and she didn't expect him to. With a sigh, she hopped off the log. Behind and beneath her, the water in the gorge roared like something alive. Anxious to get away from the edge, she picked up the pace and vanished into the trees.
Any notes about your characters: Good swimmer
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