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 The Bluejay's Characters

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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 12:40 pm

Name: Strykar Shadow-Heart



Eyes: earth colored

Hair: chestnut

Height: 6' 7"

Body Type: lean and muscular

Skin Color:tan

God Parent: Dike

Mortal Parent: Riordan Ravenclaw (great great grandson of Justinian Ravenclaw)

Country of Origin:Australia

Pets: A very intelligent dire Wolf named Whisper (six feet tall at the shoulder... while on all fours). His eyes, for they are unlike any other eyes on the planet, are the swirling gray of a winter storm. If one looks into them, it was is though you have glimpsed into a snowy landscape that is virtually limitless. His are icy cold, fierce as a blizzard, and betray intelligence that is as sharp as Deathblade.

Talents: known for getting people to cooperate with him one way or another, absolute mastery over the hand and a half sword and long bow...superb survival skills (urban and wilderness)...natural leader and exemplary martial artist...and obviously, those all combine to create a very deadly and formidable warrior
Weapon**: anything/everything...but primarily a hand and a half sword named Deathblade and his own body (he's a very good martial artist...). Other well used weapons include long bow, daggers, throwing knives, sling, and staff...Deathblade is a very special weapon. Unbreakable. Doesnt scratch, doesnt chip. It reacts to emotion and reacts particularly to anger and hate, but love, when just right, can be an even more powerful a energy takes the wielder's emotions...and turns it into is an extension and conduit for the element of fire. It is also known to devour and negate other types of magic. It is also like a drug and can become more and more addicting to use its power and can destroy weaker/unworthy users instantly and they are simply incinerated( like Thor and his hammer Mjolnir...only the worthy can wield it)...Deathblade was once the feared weapon of Erin Wolf, Master of Flames, Champion of the Goddess (dike)...No one knows what happened to it and Strykar doesnt realize just how powerful it truly is and while he knows the stories, he doesnt quote believe that this is the self same sword from oh so long ago...

Flaws: tends to have low tolerance for "hard cases", jerks, and stupid people, cowards, and those who abuse the weak. Can be easily angered at times, and at others times very slow to anger. When angry, he goes in to "blood lust" and is nigh on unstoppable(this relates to an actual condition that is known to happen in people due to an extreme adrenaline rush...not just comes easily to him...) Fears failing the people who depend on him...he suffers fits of depression and inactivity after some battles, feeling the weight of all the souls that he'd sent to Hades and all the blood he'd's quite debilitating...

Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): Can, with the authority of the Goddess, judge between people and can cast people into eternal punishment or can grant amnesty/peace of mind to those worthy of redemption. It is sort of like the ability to cures and cure people according to his judgement and their deeds. But his power comes from the he must continually remind himself of her...etc...kind of like a paladin needing to maintain connection to their deity to keep their powers...He is the Goddess's strong arm among the people around him...and he serves in keeping the peace throughout the land...or at least, he is supposed to...

Life Before CHB*: wayward ranger who served the weak and defenseless, but the often feared him for this fiery rage and devastating skill with his weapons. A sort of ghost rider/robin hood charcter...Strykar was once a prince in the forgotten city of Endar. He was an only child and became the best warrior in the entire city and was renowned for his incredible martial skills and fighting prowess. He was to ascend to the throne soon when he decided he didn't want that responsibility. He left after a heated argument with his father. A short while later Lord Drakis, usurper of the weak and slayer of the good, attacked Endar.

Endar was missing it's greatest warrior and strategist, seeing as Strykar was the greatest since the peaceful death of his great great maternal grandparents Erin Wolf, one of the absolute greatest warriors to have ever lived, and Lyra Clear-Waters, a famed and feared fighter for her elven speed and quick thinking. His grandparents were said to have been the best rulers Endar had ever seen...they ruled with kindness, compassion and justice, and at the very Strykar had left home behind...

Endar was overrun in a matter of days. The entire royal family was publicly tortured and executed. Since the news reached Strykar, he has sworn a blood oath to never return to his home land. The memories are too painful. Now the once-prince roams the woodlands fighting scum and villainy with all his heart and soul. But for "abandoning" his family to it's fate, he replaced his family name with Shadow-Heart, because,after such a great failure, his heart forever lives in shadow...he feels that the loss of his family means that he is not worthy of the lordship of his city. So he wanders in hopes of redemption doing whatever he can and little by little began to make a name for wonders if this once-prince wont return home someday?

RP Example*: An arrow buzzed angrily and buried itself into the gears of the mighty gate of the City of Wrendell, home of the wood elves. The gate stopped rising, having barely risen an inch. The thief began to sweat. The arrow had silver fletching. Only one man had silver fletched arrows. The thief whirled around, dagger in hand. He glanced uneasily about the gatehouse. The night was black as pitch and the moon hidden behind storm clouds. He inched back towards the jammed gearbox and cautiously began to pull the arrow from the gears. He hard something rustle near the gatehouse door and spun around. Nothing. He shook his head and hurriedly pulled the arrow from the gears and the mighty gate once again began to rise. Now the thief could deliver his item to his benefactors who awaited him just outside the gates...The thief gave one last worried look around the room, as though he felt some presence nearby. Nothing.

The thief let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He took in a breath.

It was his last.

He never saw his attacker slip behind him. He never stood a chance.

"Looking for me?" The voice whispered in his ear. The thief fell to knees in fright and felt something warm on his neck. he touched it lightly with his hand and and brought it away covered in blood. He turned back to the once empty gatehouse...where there had been nothing but empty space now stood a man hooded and cloaked. His eyes were dark and his smile fierce. The sword he held was dripping blood. He tore the ring the thief had been wearing off, along with the finger it had been on.

"Didnt your mother ever tell you not to take things that dont belong to you?" He tossed the finger away casually and wiped the blood off the ring. He slipped the now clean piece of jewelry onto his right ring finger and laughed silently. The ring had in it's center a black diamond heart. The hooded man lifted the body and tossed it from the gatehouse window to the waiting party below. Several screams followed the thud the body made when it hit the ground.

The man turned away from the walls and melted into the shadows of the night as though nothing had happened. The only sign of his presence was a severed finger and a few spots of blood. He was Strykar Shadow-Heart and he was on the hunt...

Any notes about your characters: he's a good leader...but doesn't usually lead anyone cause no one ever really sees him or hangs around him kind of lonely but tries to hide it as best as he can... dont get on his bad side or else...not even hell would be a safe hiding place...oh, and dont threaten people he considers under his protection either...if you do, then hell might be preferable to what he'd do to you...he is a warrior to fear. He doesn't realize that his path in life mimics that of his great great grand father and mother Erin Wolf and Lyra Clear-Waters...

Last edited by The Bluejay on Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:25 pm; edited 9 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 25, 2012 11:21 pm

I'm gonna say this just before he admins do the charrie needs to be under 18 years old I'm not sure what the minimum is.
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:23 am

Thanks Gavin. I have edited it and made it 17 rather than 27...
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:27 am

I'm not too sure about having artemis as a parent especially for a guy, but wait till one of the admins say before you change it (Note... if you get told to change it then you will have to change the powers too)

And the life before CHB has to be at least 5 full sentences Smile
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:39 am

Thanks again...i fixed that too..
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:40 am

Now you just wait on an amin to tell you what else to fix/approve and you can start Very Happy
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:50 am

Thanks again for all your help Gavin. It is most appreciated.
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Weirdo #1
Weirdo #1

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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 7:01 pm

Artemis in not allowed as a parent, there are the hunters of Artemis, but they are all STRICTLY girls.
You need to add a mortal parent even if he/she is dead.
You need to add a fear as a flaw and what do you mean by "hard cases"?
Please choose one primary weapon and have the rest as weapons he can use but doesn't use them as often as he uses his primary weapon.
What do you mean by powerfully built? Do you mean muscular?
I'm not sure about your life before CHB, but I'll ask admin to check that for you.
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 9:27 pm

I was basing it off the idea of the "artemis fowl" books, for the main character in those books is a young male who's persona is modeled to represent the greek god, but if it is not allowed, i can change.

Mortal Parent: Marion Clear-Waters

Flaw: Fear of failing those who depend on him (again)...

hard case 
a rough, hard-bitten person.

Primary weapon- Hand and a half sword...all others are secondary...

Body-lean, and very muscular

Why would the life before CHB be an issue?

Thanks again for you assistance. It is most appreciated.
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Weirdo #1
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 10:02 pm

Please edit that information into the form. You see there's a little edit button in the top-right corner of your post.

Sorry, but these characters are demigods which means one of their parents were gods. And since Artemis swore she would never have a child there are no children of Artemis. So please choose a different godly parent.
The issue that I have with you Life before CHB is that you said your character is a prince and we are living in the modern times, I don't think there are princes in Australia. I'm not from Australia so please correct me if I'm wrong.
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 26, 2012 10:08 pm

Ah, okay...i was using prince and lord interchangeably...should i change that?

And no, apparently there arent any princes in australia...

I kinda notice the edit button, but thanks anyway...

Again, thanks for you help...there are all these little details i would not have understood without a more senior member''s assistance.

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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 5:15 am

Alrighty, that ought to be good...i hope i fixed all the problems...

What do you think of the character? I have made some MAJOR edits to him, so i hope it works...
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 1:03 am

Okay everybody! I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to be online for what seems like forever, but I'm back now for the moment!!!!!! Please forgive me, but I hadn't time to post in the OCC section before having to go like I did last time!
Random rant done. Back to admin mode.

Bluejay, thank you for the detail! It's really helpful to be able to know so much about one's character, their background, and their specifics. Great detail and descriptions, so Approved. Happy Roleplaying.
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The Bluejay
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PostSubject: Eric Holt: Son of Khione   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 11:36 am

Name:Eric Holt



Eyes: green

Hair: brown

Height: 5' 7"

Body Type: lean, muscular

Skin Color: pale

Mother: Khione, Goddess of Snow

Father: Wes Holt

Legacy of: Ice/snow

Country of Origin: USA

Talents: very perceptive, resourcefulness, staying cool/calm/collected in almost any situation, very good at predicting the actions of others through careful observation

Weapon**: scimitar(celestial bronze)

Flaws: can be somewhat cold towards others, doesn't like sharing much of anything with anyone, can slip into an icy cold fit of rage, fears being trapped in a small room with lots of people... claustrophobia perhaps?

Powers(must relate to god parent; optional): ice...can create ice/snowstorms, can create objects/weapons out of ice/snow...can blast opponents with a freezing mist (can cause immediate hypothermia), if he grabs hold of you tightly he can freeze you solid (causes death), he is able function normally with very low atmospheric pressures (able to survive up in the mountains with all the thin air) just as well as in normal pressure.

Life Before CHB*: Erik was in high school before CJ and hated having to "be a part of everyone else". He is solo by nature and dislikes having to work in groups. He has learned to take care of himself and really doesnt want much to do with other people. He finds small take useless and meaningless and a waste of his time. He enjoys swimming and running and is rather fit. He loves sitting by himself outside in the winter and watching the snow fall...He also enjoys tracking and mountain climbing.

RP Example*:Eric walked down towards the shade of one of North Carolina's huge pines. He sat under it trying to escape the heat. For an Ice Legacy heat was nauseating and made him feel weak. He looked about, his vision slightly blurred form the stinging drops of sweat that dribbled into his eyes. He tried to wipe it the sweat off but only managed to get more in his eyes. He spat. "i hate the heat..." Then a thought, a sideways look to make sure no one was looking, and then he waved his hand over his face letting a chilling icy mist cool him down. He immediately felt a lot better.

"HEY! YOU! Under the tree! Get back out here and get back in the game! What you think anyone can just get up and leave rec football??"

Erik rolled his eyes. He hated these fools. They all run into each other for fun in the middle of the day when it was hottest out...and he was supposed to have fun while doing it? Yeah...right...not happening.

He replied "Yeah, i think i can. I didnt want to play anyways."

Any notes about your characters: is a good friend and quite caring, if you can get past the frosty exterior...He has a polar bear as an animal companion named Gershwin or just "Shwin" for short.

Last edited by The Bluejay on Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:21 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:00 am

No pets in camp Jupiter.
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:04 am

What about in CHB?
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:05 am

One flaw must be a fear
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:11 am

Okay, son of Khione...what else?
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:11 am

So hes greek now?
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:12 am

If it gets him into CHB, yes.
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:15 am

switch the life before CJ to CHB

take out the legacy bit

Is his weapon CB? (It has to be that since he's not a child of the underworld)
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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:34 am

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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:37 am

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PostSubject: Re: The Bluejay's Characters   The Bluejay's Characters I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 4:39 am

thanks gavin!
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